
Our packaging is made of food grade material and is built to avoid causing any external or internal damage during transit. Contents of each package is of a uniform quality and are from the same origin and variety. Every package is then labelled to meet export requirements.



Kenyan lamb is considered one of the best types of meat due to its healthy and nutritional properties due to natural pastures and distinctive breeds, and the best evidence of this is the increasing demand for it from all over the world



Kenya and Uganda are renowned for their vibrant livestock sectors, with goat meat being a significant component of their agricultural economies and cultural diets. Uganda, with its favorable climate and diverse agro-ecological zones, also boasts a thriving goat meat industry. Goat rearing is widespread, with the indigenous Mubende breed being particularly prominent due to its resilience and high-quality meat. Ugandan goat meat is a central part of many traditional dishes, commonly prepared in stews, curries, or grilled



Kenyan camels are of high quality and are among the best breeds in the world. Kenya has a total of 4.72 million camels out of an estimated 13.7 million in East Africa, according to the country's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives. The main camel breeds are the Somali, Rendall, Jabra, and Turkana. These names also resemble the communities in which they live Kenya remains one of the world's largest camel meat producers. The country produced about 700,000 tons of camel meat in 2022, according to data from the country's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives. Currently the main export markets for camel meat and milk are the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia



Diverse Breeds: Uganda boasts a variety of cattle breeds, including indigenous breeds like the Ankole, which are known for their hardiness and disease resistance. These traits make them well-suited for the country's farmin

Sustainable Farming Practices: Ugandan c Nutritional Value: U Economic Benefits: Catt



Produced mainly in the Central, Eastern and Northern regions of Uganda, mangoes are available all year round due to staggered production. Our export variety of mangoes mainly include Apple Mangoes, Tommy Atkins, Zillate, Kate, Kent and Ddoodo

Available Size: ±4 kgs per carton



The Ugandan pineapples are known to be sweet with tempered tartness. Two key export varieties of pineapple are Smooth Cayenne and Queen cultivars which are produced mainly in the Eastern and Central regions of Uganda. Pineapples are generally available all year round due to the alternating peak seasons between the different regions

Available Size: 6 pieces per carton (±12 kgs)



Our export varieties of avocado are mainly Grafted-Hybrids in round and oval shapes with a green outer skin that turns purple when ripe. These varieties have beautiful golden-yellow to green flesh with a mix of bold & mellow flavours. Avocados are mostly available in the Central region of Uganda with it's peak season from April to June while season of low supply range from September to December

Available Size: ±4 kgs per carton



The bananas for export are of the Cavendish variety mainly from the Eastern and the Central regions of Uganda and are in season all year round. Each cluster of the banana is typically made of twelve to fifteen banana fingers

Available Size: ±14 kgs per carton



Our most common export varieties of papayas are Yellow Flesh Sunrise and Red Royale. These are mostly grown in the Central region of Uganda with it's peak season ranging from September to December, while low supply season is in May

Available Size: ±6 kgs per carto



Ancestral jackfruit trees are found in everyone's backyard in Uganda. Locally know as Fenne, each fruit can weigh upto 30 kgs, that's a lot of fruit we ship in every box all year around

Available Size: 1 piece per carton (±13 kgs)


Hot Pepper

Ugandan hot peppers are available in Habanero and Scotch Bonnet varieties and are known for its unique, distinctively tropical aroma. Grown in the Central region, they ripen from green when immature to varying shades of yellow, orange & red. They are available all year round and are known to be one of the hottest peppers in the world

Available Size: ±4 kgs per carton



Chillies are widely used as a spice to add heat in many cuisines. They are available all year round in Uganda

Available Size: ±5 kgs per carton



This ancient root gaining popularity recently is used as a spice and in medicines. Ginger is widely grown in Uganda in local (small) and hybrid (large) varieties with availability across most parts of the year

Available Size: ±8 kgs per carton


Sweet Potato

Ugandan sweet potatoes are large, starchy and sweet-tasting. They are commonly grown in the purple and white varieties and are available throughout the year

Available Size: ±10 kgs per carton



This starchy tuberous root is a major source of carbohydrates in the tropics. In Uganda it is cultivated throughout the year in many parts of the country

Available Size: ±10 kgs per carton

Our range of fresh produce include pineapples, mangoes, avocados, passion fruits, bananas, papayas, hot peppers, ginger, sweet potatoes, cassava, sugarcane, jackfruit and everything else the Ugandan soil has to offer. Each of these are hand picked at the precise maturity level to ensure a continuation of the ripening process. Within hours of being harvested, our produce is carefully graded, tested, prepared and packaged so that it arrives just right even after it’s journey half way around the world!

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